S – Daniel 5

O – this passage shows the difference of Nebuchadnezzar and Belteshazzar’s reign. How come or how did it happen that king Nebuchadnezzar lived and reigned longer than Belteshazzar. How come God gave Nebuchadnezzar a chance of redemption while Belteshazzar received none and was immediately punished or disciplined? It is the power of knowing. Belteshazzar knew all that has happened to his father yet he kept it to no account and did what he wanted to do and dishonored God. By knowing what is right and wrong and we should not do but still doing it is arrogance and dishonoring before God and greatly displeases Him that could lead us to immediate discipline or punishment.

A – for so long, I knew what was right from wrong. What is right doesn’t just mean not sinning but taking into account what God has to say in every aspects of my life. With what I am doing now, especially not having my devotion, I am not doing what is right and I am not honoring God. I will start first with my devotion, it doesn’t necessarily mean I have to like what I’m doing now but because I want to honor God that I’ll do it. Second is pleasing God, that before I do something, I have to ask whether God will be pleased or not.

P – Lord, forgive me for I was like Belteshazzar. I know that what I am doing is wrong but still I did it. Forgive me for bluntly dishonoring you. Humble me and make me sober. Break my heart so that I’ll knew how much I’ve angered or hurt you. Remove the callousness in my heart, and make it tender before you once again and that by your grace, I’ll be able to do this regularly..

About Obra Maestra

aspiring writer.. i have no knowledge about writing but i am a learner.

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